Journey to Cornerstone

With some pictures

In 1988 the old Church of Christ building on Broadway Street in Dewar, Oklahoma was obtained. The name “New Life Tabernacle” was taken and the first service was held March 22, 1988.

In 1995 the old building was removed and a new tabernacle was constructed.  The first service conducted in the new building was on March 31, 1995.

In 2016 a new fellowship hall was built.

The year 2017 brought a merger of New Life Tabernacle and Schulter Lighthouse.  This new venture became a religious non-profit corporation and legally began to operate on March 26, 2017.

Today Cornerstone Apostolic Tabernacle, Inc., continues to promote the Gospel Jesus Christ with a vision of being a continuation of the first-century apostolic church of Acts.

The Old Church
Tent Revival 1988
Old Church after New Post Office built
The Old Fellowship Hall
Pouring concrete for New Sanctuary
New Life Tabernacle sign
New Fellowship Hall 2017

Capturing Some Special Events

Poster Promotions

Bible Studies, Sunday School Events, Missionaries, Revival Services have all been promoted at some or other here at Cornerstone.  We like to invite family, friends, and neighbors to fellowship and worship with us.